Gellish Syntax for Formalized Languages

This Gellish syntax definition document defines the syntax of expressions for any of the languages of the Gellish family of formalized natural languages. It also defines the contextual facts that may accompany any expression to privide a context for its interpretation. Typical examples of such contextual facts are who, when and why the expression was created and during which period in time it is or was valid, etc.



This standard defines the Gellish Expression Format for the definition of expressions in formalized languages, such as Data Exchange Message files. It also defines the Gellish collection of Contextual Facts, which provide a means to specify a detailed context for each expression which enables context specific interpretation of the expressions. Thus the document defines a native Gellish Formalized Language syntax, suitable for any natural language.

The format defines the structure and components of expressions of the variants of the Gellish family of formalized languages, such as Formal English, Formal Dutch or any other formalized natural language variant. It also allows for a combination of formalized languages. It is preferably encoded in UTF-8 character codes thus allowing for any natural language and can be expressed in CSV, JSON or other basic formats. Furthermore it can be used for expressions in any language that is based on RDF.
Files and messages in this format are suitable for the storage and exchange of any kind of idea, fact, question or command that is expressed in a Gellish formalized language.